08.05.24 – MmHmm/Mm-mm: Packers top WR, Brewers World Series Chances, Face of the NFL

Bart, Paul and Grant team up to talk about who could emerge as the Packers top wide receiver, plus thoughts on the Brewers legitimate (?) World Series chances, plus who the Face of the NFL currently is

08.30.24 – Ryan Horvat Week 1 College Football Picks, Ryan Wood on Packers outlook

Ryan Horvat is back as he and Bart give five picks for the college football weekend, including Western Michigan at Wisconsin. Plus, an interview with Ryan Wood of PackersNews.com from the Infinity Sports Network show

08.22.24 – MmHmm/Mm-mm: Would you trade a 2nd round pick for Justin Tucker?, Packers draft take backs, NBA vs MLB

Bart is back with Grant and Paul for their weekly MmHmm/Mm-mm conversation. This week, the guys address the Packers kicking situation, look at the recent Green Bay draft selections, and discuss which product is better between the MLB and the NBA